Thursday, June 9, 2011

Do I actually miss Winter???

With 100 degree weather and a softball game to coach in an hour, I might.

Trying very hard to make it through a day that started with last minute Math studying.  As I entered the Holland Tunnel the school nurse called to tell me my daughter had been in with a sore throat.  I raced home after finishing all I had to rescue her from school, get her to the doctor for the infamous strep test, and now out again.

Wish like hell I could fast forward and put this day in the books.  But since I am angry I do have some bullet points to rattle off.

1)  Can Sabathia put a fastball in David Ortiz's ear tonight?

2)  Can LeBron show up and have a Jordan over Ehlo moment one time?

3)  Can Wiener resign so I don't have to hear the story anymore?  And his wife pregnant???  Classy.

4)  Can schools stay open in the heat?  A friend posted on Facebook today that in our day the teachers turned off the lights if it was hot.  More evidence we are raising a Nation of Nancy Boys and quitters.

5)  Hot weather sucks!!!

6)  Cold weather ain't much better.

7)  I am not looking forward to the juggling that occurs when school ends.  For more see my blog:

8)  I will forge ahead with Guilty Pleasures column tomorrow regardless if anyone reads it or gives a sh&*.  I like it and that is good enough for me.

9)  We are gonna get destroyed tonight and sweat like Albert Brooks in Broadcast News.

10) I hope everyone else is not as effed up as me.

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