Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer Break?

Not sure you call it time off...  but there was not writing over the weekend.  And really, how could there be?  Prepping the house Saturday, followed by semi-final softball loss.

A moment on that if I may.  The team was a joy to be around and the season has to be considered a success.  When I drafted the girls my plan was to get coachable, positive girls.  The hope was they would get better as the season went on and gain/maintain an interest in America's game.  I feel we exceeded those expectations.  That said, I was more than relieved to hand the equipment bag in today.  It is, in a word, exhausting.

Naturally we hosted our daughter's 9 year old birthday/end-of school party/sleepover right after.  Slip and sliding/grilling/yelling/screaming/last minute cake purchase/whining/smore making/movie watching/and sometime around midnight...  sleep.

Father's Day was restful and mellow for the most part.  The girls that slept over left around 10am after a nice breakfast.  I count myself lucky that my daughter has met quality friends through school and athletics.  I fear it could end at any point.  We catch a lot of grief at the size of our house, or appearance of our 97 Altima.  My hope would be to teach her that we may not have as much as others, but that does not define her, or us, or anything for that matter.  Say please and thanks.  Do the best you can at whatever you are doing.  "Decide what to be and go be it."

Now if only I can practice what I preach.

Big relief that the Spring soccer season ended yesterday.  Did a 40 minute drive to a 4pm game top the list of what I wanted for Father's Day?  Not quite.  But a sunny day watching my pride and joy hustle her ass off scoring goals and leading her team to victory was pretty sweet.

I did feel a bit guilty crashing at 7:30 once we came home.  As I near 40 these whirlwind weekends bring me down like lewd pics topple Government officials.  Weird that an 8 year old tucked me in?  Who cares?  I needed to sleep.

Which is what she will need to do this evening.  Her first day of summer most certainly knocked her for a loop.

9am Lacrosse camp.  Her first foray into this sport.  I figure she may as well give it a shot.  I am uncertain why the whistle blows so much during the games.  I think the game lacks excitement and overall pizzaz.  But everyone in this suburban mecca seems to dig it and she may just excel at it.  I do not want to force her into anything by any means.  Want her to see everything that is out there and decide for herself.  Except ice hockey!!!  She has mentioned it a few times but I a) do not want to drop the dime on equipment b) deal with absurd ice times c) get her hurt.  I will admit to being selfish on that one.  And really, she is still my little girl.  Ice Hockey???  I just watched the NHL wrap up and am convinced those folks are less than human.  Probably explains why my wife thinks they are all so hot.  Do I want my little princess toothless and checking people into the boards?  Pass.

Able to outsource her to a friends for a few hours before a party at 4:30.  More outside time which I was told she complained of a headache.  Think when I pick her up in 30 minutes she will be jazzed about going to a 2 hour travel summer softball practice?

I am thinking I am gonna get a tongue lashing.  Is it fair to take a girl out of the house at 8:30am and bring her home at 8:30pm?  Will ice cream make up for it?  This is her 1st day of summer break and girl be running all day.

Tomorrow I must make it up to her.

I got it!!!

Her 9 year annual exam.

Poor girl.  Pool seems to be in order and fast.  Maybe a nice movie in the air conditioning?  Anything but this day repeated.

I can hear the anguish in her voice already.  I am ready to accept the scorn.  So funny I am scared of a 45 pound girl.  If you knew her you would understand.

Looking for a good home once puberty hits.  Send all info to the Suburban Man.  C/O Safe House.

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